As an emotion researcher, I know that memories shape our perception of the world based upon the emotional content of those memories. Some of the first memories that I remember fondly include traveling. While I may not remember my very first flight I ever took, one of the most vivid memories I have is getting on a plane early one morning to fly to Disney World. I remember being woken up, going through security, walking the airport, getting on the plane, and looking out the window at the tops of the clouds. Looking at those clouds (I believe I was 3 or 4), I remember yelling towards my parents, “Woah, look at all the clouds!" (I’m sure that everyone on that flight loved hearing my commentary that early in the morning.)

At this point, I fell in love with taking every plane ride that I could. While the ability to travel has come and go with time, during graduate school, I was offered the opportunity to travel throughout the U.S. and the world through a variety of avenues. Because I was in graduate school, living on a graduate school salary, I needed to find a way to be able to afford the travel that I needed (and wanted) to do. From here, I stumbled upon the miles and points world that lived online. Over the past few years, I have dived head first into learning the tricks and trades to figure out the best way to make this happen.

Your Professor of Points, testing out his webcam for an interview from his grad school office. Hey grad school, you looked good. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Through this time, I have become mildly obsessed (others may not say so mildly) with figuring out this game so that I can travel large for little money.

This blog is an outlet for me to talk and think about this game. So, take a look around, leave a comment, ask a question, and hear about this hobby from my point of view. I’ve had my fair share of interactions with those who know much more than I about this hobby, and I want to forward that good will to others.

It is my hope that someone might be inspired by what they read here and start planning how they’re going to travel to an exotic destination somewhere in the world.

Also, because I am a newbie when it comes to WordPress, ignore the two links below that takes you back and forth to other pages lol. They both go to the blog page.

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